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A Human Geographic Issue Management System for
Natural Resource Managers in the
Willamette Valley, Oregon
Background Report
Management of
federal forest lands of the Pacific Northwest has undergone significant change
in the last fifteen years. In the Willamette River Valley, timber production
from public lands is a fraction of what it once was, and recreational uses have
been growing steadily. The urban areas surrounding public lands are growing in
substantial ways, while the rural communities near them are continuing to
struggle economically with the shift away from timber toward a recreation
economy and an urban-oriented labor base. Meanwhile, management budgets are
shrinking and skilled personnel are being lost. Without a budget driven by
timber receipts, land management agencies have to "do more with less."
In this climate of
changing management conditions, the Willamette National Forest, in conjunction
with the Siuslaw National Forest and the Eugene and Salem District Offices of
the Bureau of Land Management, used the services of James Kent Associates (JKA)
to conduct social and economic research in the human communities associated
with the Forest. Forest management wanted direct information from these communities
about the social and economic trends observed by residents, the current
orientation of residents toward public land, specifically the issues they have
about natural resources and the opportunities they see for resolving them. In
addition, the Forest wanted advice about how to communicate effectively with a
broader range of publics so that it can foster greater dialogue and
collaboration between Forest staff and community residents.
The specific
objectives of the Willamette Human Geographic Mapping Project were to:
Use the Discovery Process in the Greater Salem, Mid-Valley, and South
Willamette Human Resource Units (HRUs) to describe the publics, networks,
settlement patterns, work routines, supporting services, recreational
activities, and geographic boundaries. The products of Discovery are:
A human
geographic map, at two scales of geography, which reflects the culture of the
local area and the identity residents have with their landscape.
b. Description of key informal networks and
network caretakers in each HRU;
c. The range (emerging, existing, disruptive)
of actionable citizen issues related to natural resource management and
biosocial ecosystem recovery;
d. Strategies in each HRU for
culturally-appropriate communication (who, when, where, how);
e. Current
and future social and economic trends affecting each HRU, with implications
derived for "desired future conditions" useful for land use planning efforts;
f. Opportunities identified by citizens to
resolve issues, to create productive harmony (as called for in NEPA) between
physical and social environments, and to develop citizen ownership in public
land management through community-based partnerships;
Use social, economic, and cultural information obtained through the Discovery
Process to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) data layer. This data
layer is expected to complement the traditional bio-physical data employed by
the BLM and the Forest Service in order to broaden the ability of the agencies
to deal with both bio-physical and social components of the ecosystem. Such a bio-social
approach to ecosystem management will be realized through the following
a. GIS
development of human geographic maps for the three HRUs at two scales of
geography, the HRU and the Community Resource Unit (CRU);
b. Aggregation
of 1990 and 2000 Census data (as available) according to HRU boundaries in
order to identify social and economic trends at appropriate cultural scales;
c. Integration
of quantitative census data with qualitative social and economic data of the
Discovery Process in order to present a holistic picture of local communities
for attachment as a database to the map layer. This documentation will be
useful for NEPA, land use planning, and day-to-day management;
d. Identification
of communication strategies, attached to the map layer, that will show how,
with whom, when and where to communicate at the informal level of community.
e. Provision of a summary report that shows
the framework of a Human Geographic Issue Management System (HGIM)™ on the
basis of the community fieldwork (The Discovery Process) and the GIS social
layer. Such a framework is designed to identify citizen issues at the emerging
stage of development, to promote staff capacity to respond in timely and
appropriate ways, and to develop projects and policy capable of broad-based
public support.
who participated in this fieldwork are:
Preister, Ph.D., Social Ecology Associates, James Kent Associates
Ibanez, Licenciado, James Kent Associates
Megan Gordon,
M.A. Anthropology, Oregon State University
Toby Keys,
M.A. Anthropology, Oregon State University
Saylor, M.A. Anthropology, Oregon State University
Arias, Ph.D., Dean, Social and Behavioral Sciences Center, California State
University at Monterey Bay.
James Kent, J.D.,
President, James Kent Associates
support was provided by Paul Zelus and Walt Bulawa at Map Associates LLP,
Pocatello, Idaho. Team resumes are included in Appendix D.
Figure One
Project Staff from left to right: Luis Ibanez, Kevin Preister, Toby Keys, Megan Gordon, Kirsten Saylor, and Armando Arias
The Discovery
Process (tm) is a means to describe a community by "entering the routines" of that
community in order to see the world as residents see it. Team members attend soccer
games and school events, go to cafes, gas stations, laundromats, taverns and
other gathering places. They are invited into people's homes. Following the
adage, "People hate to be interviewed but love to talk," they get in situations
where people tell stories about their community. They observe and interact with
residents to determine their interests and concerns.
In practice, the
JKA team contacted and listened to as many people as we could, to hear their
stories of the land, their family history, changes they are seeing on the land
and in their community, their use of public lands and ideas for improving
management. We learned how public land management affects different kinds of
people and what they think could be done to minimize the negative effects and
enhance the positive ones. We always asked people who else we could talk with,
and those people whose names came up several times we made a special point of
contacting. In addition, we frequented the gathering places in the area - the
restaurants, the laundromats, churches, and stores, engaging residents in
We made a point of
talking with a wide variety of people - long time residents and newcomers, young
and old, farmers, loggers, townspeople, environmentalists, commuters and
storeowners. We talked to several kinds of recreationists - hunters, fishers,
off-highway vehicle enthusiasts, campers, and hikers. Our contacts included
officials from the many local, state, and federal agencies engaged in natural
resource issues, staff from many social agencies, mayors, and city
In the Discovery
Process, the team was particularly interested in the seven Cultural
Descriptors, used by JKA as a community assessment methodology. The method is
outlined in more detail in Appendix B. The Cultural Descriptors are as follows:
Geographic Boundaries: Any unique physical feature that defines
the extent of a population's routine activities. Physical features generally
separate the cultural identity and daily activity of a population from those
living in other geographic areas. Geographic boundaries include geologic,
biologic, and climatic features, distances, or any other characteristic that
distinguishes one area from another. Examples of geographic boundaries include
topographic features that isolate mountain valleys, distances that separate
rural towns, or river basins that shape an agricultural way of life. Geographic
boundaries may be relatively permanent or short-lived; over time, boundaries
may dissolve as new settlement patterns develop and physical access to an area
Patterns: The
distribution of a population in a geographic area, including the historical
cycles of settlement. This descriptor identifies where a population resides and
the type of settlement categorized by its centralized/dispersed,
permanent/temporary, and year-round/seasonal characteristics. It also describes
the major historical growth/non-growth cycles and the reasons for each
successive wave of settlement.
Publics: Segments of the population or a group of
people having common characteristics, interests, or some recognized demographic
feature. Sample publics include agriculturalists, governmental bodies,
homemakers, industries, landowners, loggers, miners, minorities, newcomers,
preservationists, recreationalists, senior citizens, small businesses and
Networks: A
structured arrangement of individuals who support each other in predictable
ways because of their commitment to a common purpose, their shared activities,
or similar attitudes. There are two types of networks, those that are informal
arrangements of individuals who join together as a way to express their
interests, and those that are formal arrangements of individuals who belong to
an organization to represent their interests.
Networks functioning locally as well as those influencing management
from regional or national levels are included in this descriptor. Examples of citizen networks include
ranchers who assist each other in times of need, grassroots environmentalists
with a common cause, or families who recreate together. Examples of formal
organizations include a cattlemen's association, or a recreational club.
Routines: The way in
which people earn a living, including where and how. The types of employment,
the skills needed, the wage levels, and the natural resources required in the
process are used to generate a profile of a population's work routines. The
opportunities for advancement, the business ownership pattern and the stability
of employment activities are also elements of this descriptor.
Services: Any arrangement people use for taking care
of each other, including the institutions serving a community and the
caretaking activities of individuals. This descriptor emphasizes how supporting
services and activities are provided. Commercial businesses, religious institutions, social welfare agencies,
governmental organizations, and educational, medical and municipal facilities
are all examples of support services. Caretaking activities include the ways people manage on a day-to-day
basis using family, neighborhood, friendship or any other support system.
Activities: The way in
which people use their leisure time. The recreational opportunities available,
seasonality of activities, technologies involved, and money and time required
are aspects of this descriptor. The frequency of local/non-local uses of
recreational resources, the preferences of local/non-local users, and the
location of the activities are also included. [1]
One product of
using the Cultural Descriptors is an understanding of human geographic
boundaries. People everywhere develop an attachment to a geographic place,
characterized by a set of natural boundaries created by physical, biological,
social, cultural and economic systems. This is called a Bio-Social Ecosystem. The term was created in 1991 by James Kent and Dan Baharav to integrate
social ecology and biology in addressing watershed issues with people being a
recognized part of the landscape. Unique beliefs, traditions, and stories tie people to a specific place,
to the land, and to social/kinship networks, the reflection and function of
which is called culture.
The first Human
Geographic Maps (HGMs) came into existence in the late 1970s and early 1980s as
part of JKA's work with the US Forest Service, Region 2, Forest Planning
process. The USFS was looking for new and creative ways to empower citizens as
part of the Forest Plans. The HGMs were
published as a part of the Forest Plan implementation.
Seven different
scales of cultural or human geography have been discovered. Operating at the proper scale brings optimum
efficiency and productivity to projects, programs, marketing, policy formation
and other actions by working within the appropriate social and cultural context.
1. Neighborhood Resource Unit (NRU)
2. Village Resource Unit (VRU)
3. Community Resource Unit (CRU)
4. Human Resource Unit (HRU)
5. Social Resource Unit (SRU)
6. Cultural Resource Unit (CuRU)
7. Global Resource Unit (GRU)
The HGMs represent
the culture of a geographic area, especially the informal systems through which
people adapt to changes in their environment, take care of each other, and
sustain their values and lifestyles. The HGMs represent the boundaries within
which people already mobilize to meet life's challenges. Hence, their
experiences are used through their participation as place-based knowledge to
create ownership in issue resolution, project planning and implementation,
public participation, and public policy development.
For this project,
three scales of human geography were used, the Social Resource Unit (SRU), the
Human Resource Unit (HRU), and the Community Resource Unit (CRU).
Social Resource Units (SRUs) are the aggregation of HRUs on the basis of
geographic features of the landscape, often a river basin, for example, and are
the basis of shared history, lifestyle, livelihood, and outlook. At this scale,
face-to-face knowledge is much reduced. Rather, social ties are created by
action around issues that transcend the smaller HRUs and by invoking common
values ("We love the high desert.").
SRUs are
characterized by a sense of belonging. These are rather large areas and one's
perception as to the Unit's boundary is that when you cross the SRU boundary
you are in an entirely different culture. There is a general feeling of
"oneness" as being a part of this regional Unit. There is a general understanding and agreement on beliefs, traditions, stories and the attributes of being a part of the Unit.
JKA was directed
to conduct research in the urban areas of Salem, Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, and
Springfield, and the surrounding rural areas as well, from the crest of the
Cascade Mountains to the crest of the coastal range. Prior research of JKA determined that these communities are
embedded in a large, region-wide cultural zone that we called the Willamette
Social Resource Unit (SRU), as shown in Figure Two.
Human Resource Units (HRUs) are roughly equivalent in size to a county
but seldom correspond to county boundaries.
HRU boundaries are derived from the seven Cultural Descriptors outlined above.
HRUs are characterized by frequent and customary interaction. They reveal
face-to-face human society within which people
have personal knowledge of each other and well-developed caretaking systems
sustained through informal network relationships. People's daily activities
occur primarily within their HRU including work, school, shopping, social
activities and recreation. Health, education, welfare and other public service
activities are highly organized at this level with a town or community almost
always as its focal point.
Through this
research, we also determined that there were three Human Resource Units (HRUs)
that make up the targeted area, which we termed Greater Salem, Mid-Valley and
South Willamette HRUs, also shown in Figure Two.
Resource Units (CRUs) show
the "catchment area" of a community, or its zone of influence, beyond which
people relate to another community (Figure Three). Geographic features or
settlement patterns often determine these boundaries. At this scale, there is
great face-to-face knowledge, and the caretaking systems through informal
networks are the strongest. The three HRUs contain a total of 34 CRUs.
Twenty-three of them have chapters here, while limited resources prevented
description of the remaining eleven.
In addition to the
qualitative research methods embodied in the Discovery Process, 2000 census
data and available local information were used to augment the understanding of
local communities.
The research, and
the recommendations that accompany it, are structured in the GIS system of the
Forest into what JKA calls a Human Geographic Issue
Figure Two
The Willamette Social Resource Unit (SRU)
With Embedded
Human Resource Units (HRUs)
Figure Three
Map of the 34 Community Resource Units
(CRUs) Contained in
Three Human Resource
Units (HRUs) in the Research Area
Management System
(HGIMS) (tm). HGIMS is a system of access into the
informal levels of society characterized by knowledge of informal networks,
citizen issues, and human geography. We have found that this information can be
visually displayed and is, in fact, highly amenable for inclusion into GIS.
Appendix A
contains information about James Kent Associates (JKA). JKA has worked for over
30 years with natural resource agencies in the area of responsive management
practices. Appendix B is an article describing the methods for the development
of human geographic boundaries.
The Greater Salem
HRU was found to have 14 CRUs, the Mid-Valley had 7 CRUs and the South
Willamette had 13 CRUs. Community reports were completed for 23 of the 34 total
CRUs. For CRUs without a report, the reader is referred to the report for the
larger HRU area of which the CRU is a part. For example, a reader interested in
the Sheridan CRU would find only a map in the GIS system, but could reference
nearby CRUs like Dallas or Falls City or reference the Greater Salem HRU of
which both Sheridan and Dallas are a part. Figure Three shows the CRUs
contained in the research area.
This report
contains a chapter for each of the HRUs - Greater Salem, Mid-Valley, and the
South Willamette. They may be viewed as executive summaries of the CRUs
contained within them, containing sections on major cultural descriptors, key findings
related to community life, key findings related to public lands, and a summary
of citizen issues related to public lands. The HRU reports are summaries of the
CRU reports with one important distinction. The HRU reports also contain data
from the 1990 and 2000 Censuses that have been downloaded into the HRU
boundaries. In the view of JKA, this feature has enormous advantages.
First, both
qualitative and quantitative data are integrated, thus containing not only the
numbers that reveal baseline social and economic conditions, but also the
meaning that local people have related to those numbers, and their ideas for
improving their communities and environment. Second, rather than having county
or regional data, that often have little bearing on the territory people
actually use on a daily basis or identify with, data are aggregated to the
natural human territory - the HRU. Hence, the real changes occurring in a
community can be identified and worked with in a cultural context of change.
Third, with the sub-regional variation of particular indicators being more
readily obvious, a fine-tuned, tailored set of management options can be
developed. For example, if one HRU is still focused on agriculture and forest
products, it implies a different set of management prescriptions than an HRU
that has shifted to retirement and recreation in its daily work routines.
Figure Four contains a rationale and description of the census approach for the
interested reader by our data analyst, Dr. Paul Zelus of Map Associates, Pocatello,
Community Resource Unit (CRU) reports contain three sections:
Figure Four Cultural
Areas, Census Data, and the National Resource Information Service Paul
Zelus, Ph.D. September
1, 2002 Formulation by the US Forest Service
of a Human Dimension Module (HDM) to its proposed National Resource
Information System (NRIS) represents an opportunity to incorporate unique
area typologies developed by James Kent Associates (JKA). While the
Categories of Interest represented by Version 1 of the HDM are not
exhaustive or complete, they do reflect some of the major variables and
themes to be included in any such inventory. Data sources that are at the same time national in
coverage, available at some sub county unit of analysis, and
for two or more points in time are very difficult to find. The decennial census of population and
housing represents a unique opportunity to obtain and manipulate such
data, which are available down to the census Block Group level of
aggregation for both the 1990 and 2000 decennial censuses. James Kent Associates utilizes a method for deriving
units of geography built around cultural and social delimiters. They describe communities based on
seven sets of descriptors including settlement patterns, work and
recreation routines, and key geographic features. These areas - defined
elsewhere as Human Resource Units, have specific geographic boundaries
that can in turn be represented as aggregates of Block Groups, and have
already been mapped by JKA for most of the western United States By aggregating 2000 census data to the cultural
resource units derived by JKA, an entirely new dimension and related set
of data can be added to the HDM and NRIS. An advantage of this approach is that it may be fully
integrated into modern GIS environments, and thus may be displayed and
manipulated locally. Only a portion of the full range of variables and
themes anticipated for inclusion in the HDM may be covered by decennial
population data and therefore amenable to HRU aggregation. While census data represent one of the
few sub county data sources covering the entire United States, other data
sources at the county level of aggregation might also be suitably
aggregated to the Human Resource Unit (HRU) and Social Resource Unit (SRU)
levels. In conclusion, recently released 2000 census
information aggregated to cultural area defined previously by James Kent
Associates should occupy a prominent place within the proposed National
Resource Information System.
Included in this section are Themes, those perceptions and attitudes of residents toward public land management that are widespread in the population, but which are so general in nature that they cannot in and of themselves be acted upon by management.
The section also contains Citizen Issues, or statements residents make that can be acted upon. Citizen issues are crucial because they show where in the social system people are willing to take action to protect their interests and their community. They also show where partnerships and community-based initiatives are possible. Action taken around citizen issues has the best chance of creating citizen energy in solving problems in a way that empowers all parties. Issues, in short, provide management direction. Emerging issues can be resolved with management using the fewest resources. Disruptive issues, by contrast, are handled by higher levels of society and are lost to local resolution.
Finally, this section includes Management Opportunities for further communication and mutual action with citizens. This is the heart of the contribution made by this report and the interests contained in it. Opportunities, based as they are on the real issues of citizens, are the means to create proactive management. By definition, reactive management learns about issues too late and finds its opportunities limited. By identifying emerging issues and potential management opportunities, the agency is in a position to use its resources strategically to optimize its responsiveness.
In the CRU reports, we felt it was important to let people speak on their own behalf. For this reason, we made liberal use of quotes. While the hurried reader may thus skim the quotes, nevertheless, they provide rich information about how local people view the world and they offer an idea of the range of views on a particular topic. Note also that issues reflect the perceptions of residents. Residents may be misinformed about particular events or their level of scientific understanding about a topic may not be the same in all cases.
Readers are invited to focus on the geographic area most appropriate to their interest.
This project is reported for most readers on a CD-Rom. The CD contains a "Read Me First" file with detailed user instructions. Briefly, the CD has 3 formats: 1) An archive directory where each map and text file can be accessed in its own right; 2) Arc Explorer, which allows readers unfamiliar with ArcView an opportunity to use the reduced software capability to review the project, but with reduced manipulative capability. Arc Explorer allows the maps to be accessed in ArcView and has the capability of bringing up census data related to the map in question. Arc Explorer is not able, however, to bring up the text files associated with each map; and 3) Files in ArcView format are capable of being used by those with ArcView capabilities, including the personnel in the Willamette National Forest for which the project was designed.
The Discovery Process and the Human Geographic Issue Management System are two methodological components in developing a social ecology approach to forest management. Social Ecology refers to the balance between people and the land characterized by a bio-social perspective.
There are four Propositions of Social Ecology:
Figure Five shows a bio-social model of ecosystem management based on the principles of social ecology, with the goal of productive harmony as called for in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It indicates that the qualities of persistence and diversity are managed for in both the physical and social environments in order to foster sustainability (Preister and Kent 2001).
The capability of a Human Geographic Issue Management System (HGIMS), as reported in this project, is to position the agency for proactive management that fosters:
Responsive management practice to citizen issues;
Ongoing dialogue and education between agency and citizens about mutual interests;
Collaborative, community-based approaches to management and projects; and,
Project and policy development responsive to changing social, economic, and ecological conditions.
The intent of JKA is that Forest Service and BLM staff will use the HGIMS in active management ways for day-to-day management, project development and implementation, as well as educational and policy initiatives. The uses are these:
Patti Rodgers, Public Affairs Specialist on the Willamette National Forest served as Project Coordinator for the Forest. JKA made several presentations about the project over the last several months, including to:
In addition, both project openings and closings were held with the many field offices in the area, including the Supervisor's Offices of both Forests, and the ranger districts of Detroit, Sweet Home, McKenzie, and Middle Fork, as well as the Cottage Grove district of the Umpqua National Forest.
Several staff members from the two forests participated n the research from one to seven days. We want to thank them for their contribution:
Julie Cox
Cara Kelly
Sue Olson
Gina Owens
Joni Quarnstrom
Phil Raab
Mike Rassbach
Dani Rosetti
Carol Winkler
BLM - Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
FS - Forest Service
GIS - Geographic Information system
GPS - Geographic Positioning System
JKA - James Kent Associates
NRCS - Natural Resource and Conservation Service
ODF - Oregon Department of Forestry
ODOT - Oregon Department of Transportation
OECD - Oregon Department of Economic and Community Development
OSU - Oregon State University
OWEB - Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture
USFS - United States Forest Service
WOU - Western Oregon University
[1] Kent, James A., J.D., Kevin Preister, Ph.D., "Methods for the Development of Human Geographic Boundaries and Their Uses", in partial completion of Cooperative Agreement No. 1422-P850-A8-0015 between James Kent Associates and the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Task Order No. 001, 1999
[2] Preister, Kevin, Ph.D. and James A. Kent, "Social Ecology: A New Pathway to Watershed Restoration." in Watershed Restoration: Principles and Practices, by Jack E. Williams, Michael P. Dombeck and Christopher A. Wood, Editors. Bethesda, Md.: The American Fisheries Society, 1997.
Preister, Kevin, Ph.D., and James A. Kent, J.D., "Using Social Ecology to Meet the Productive Harmony Intent of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)", Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, Volume 7, Issue 3, Spring, Berkeley, CA.: Hastings College of the Law, 2001.
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