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Community Resource Unit
The Springfield
Community Resource Unit consists of the metropolitan area of Springfield. It is
bordered on the north by the beginning of the Mohawk Valley as well as BLM and
Forest Service land a few miles from town, on the west by Interstate 5, a
common division between Eugene and Springfield, on the south between city
limits and Mount Pisgah, and on the east just beyond the neighborhood of
Thurston. Figure 67 shows a map of the area.
City of Springfield originally began in 1849 when the Briggs family and other
overland settlers started farming next to a spring. The settlement was incorporated
in 1885. It is situated between two of Oregon's finest rivers - the Willamette
and the McKenzie - before they join together a few miles north of the city.
Springfield is a linear community, stretched out east to west but not very wide
north and south. Historical settlement followed the entry into the McKenzie
River Valley and today reflects the long standing ties between Springfield and
the upriver areas. Long-timers consider Thurston, at the eastern end of the
area, to be a separate community from Springfield, but today no separation
exists physically, and practically speaking, it is one city.
"You drive and you drive and forget that you're still in Springfield."
population was 46,196 in 1990 and 52,864 in 2000, an increase of 13% (Census
Data, Table Seven). The population today is five times what it was in 1950.
Figure 67
Map of the Springfield Community Resource
Figure 68
Map of Springfield Showing Neighborhood
Resource Units
neighborhoods of Springfield are shown in Figure 68. The Gateway, or Game Farm, area (Area 1, Figure 68) hosts a large
concentration of lodging units, the largest shopping mall in the city, as well
as a number of manufacturing facilities associated with the nearby Sony Disc
Manufacturing plant. The area has many apartment complexes, many looking quite
run-down. Residents talked about the changes created in Springfield as these
numerous complexes were developed.
"These low income areas brought in crime and vandalism. Just in the last 5 or 6 years, things really began to change."
Springfield (Area 5) is an historic district, with many historical sites,
museums, art galleries, antique stores and specialty shops, interspersed with
professional offices, clinics and diners. Several art murals adorn older
Springfield (Area 4) is comprised of middle-income single-family dwellings.
Many areas within this neighborhood are well established with landscaping and
well cared for houses. There are many areas without sidewalks and the streets
are uneven which gives the impression that the neighborhoods were not fully
planned out. Many recreational "toys" fill this area, especially recreational
vehicles, most of which looked to be in good working condition.
Springfield consists of many low income, small family dwellings, some with
gravel cul-de-sacs, and some new, small modular homes. The industrial area is
located here and contains Kingsford Charcoal and Sierra Pine/Weyerhaeuser
is occurring mostly in the east, especially south of the McKenzie Highway and
somewhat in the Gateway area.
"When I was a kid, my grandma used to know everyone in the neighborhood, but now she doesn't know anyone."
Figure 69
View of Willamette River and Mural from
Springfield's Island Park
Springfield was
born out of agriculture and timber. As the area has urbanized, and particularly
with the downturn in timber production over the last two decades, these publics
are less dominant today but still evident.
The Hispanic population
continues to grow in absolute numbers and in proportion to the total
population. They are located in clusters in specific locations in the
community. They have become active in their own businesses in recent years. The
census reveals that the Hispanic population increased 64% in the last decade,
from 1305 to 3651 people (Table Seven).
Newcomers are
moving to Springfield and are helping to fill the void of dislocated forest
products workers. They are attracted by a lower cost of living and by a better
quality of life. Many are still coming from California and Arizona. Many are
retired but not all. Typically, out-of-state migrants are drawn to Eugene
because of its reputation for livability and "green" politics and then people
trickle over to Springfield. Inmigrants, according to local realtors, do not
ask about industry, but worry about constant rain, and want safe areas. Despite
Springfield's reputation in the area as not being safe, many out-of-state
people believe it is a safe city and are attracted to it for that reason.
benefits from Eugene's reputation."
"Springfield/Eugene is a laid back community. This is attractive to people." [Springfield realtor]
Section Two.
Forest products
facilities were among the first industrial facilities located in Springfield.
The Southern Pacific Railroad Company built its depot in 1991. In 1902, the
Booth-Kelly Lumber Company built an electric mill near the depot, after which
the population surged to 4900 by 1914, as settlers were attracted to the
booming timber industry. The proximity of the railroad and the high quality of
local timber secured Springfield's destiny as a timber town. Timber production,
as elsewhere in the state, really took off after World War II, as returning GIs
fueled a housing boom.
The major
employers in Springfield in 2000, with number of employees listed, are:
School District 19, education: 1,374
Hospital: 1,150
Symantec: 850
Company: 511
of Springfield: 385
Lumber: 350
WalMart: 340
Disc Manufacturing, optical discs: 276
Meyer: 250
Forest Products: 194
(Source: Springfield Chamber of Commerce,
March 2002.)
As the above list
attests, Springfield's economy is becoming more diverse. While in 1978, lumber
and wood manufacturing comprised 81% of all manufacturing, the figure decreased
to 45% by 1998. Non-manufacturing employment grew from 66% to 81% of total
covered employment between 1978 and 1998, which is consistent with state and
national trends (Springfield Environmental Scan, Lane Council of Governments,
December, 2001). The current strengths in the economy are high-tech, forest
products, and retail and commercial services.
In the past year,
Springfield has lost a significant number of living wage jobs. Weyerhaeuser,
McKenzie Forest Products, the hospital and several other manufacturing plants
have downsized. The lack of jobs was a frequent topic of conversation during
Springfield is
perceived by many people to be a working person's town. Despite the obvious
development improvements and the successful efforts to diversify the town's
economy, Springfield is still a working town. Many of the existing jobs are
still timber related and those requiring little education. In addition, housing
is oriented to blue collar workers and is among the most affordable in the
area. Residents made a number of observations about these conditions:
Some comments from
residents include:
"My husband and I were laid off at Weyerhaeuser in the mid-eighties. I went back to school and got trained to operate a bus. I know five other drivers that also worked in the timber industry."
was laid off at McKenzie Forest Products a few weeks ago and I've been
scrambling for work ever since. I've gone through every 'temp' agency in town.
Now I'm going door to door asking people if they need yard work done."
don't like living in my trailer park. It's really loud. There are always
ambulances and police around. Too many fights. Cops always hassle you there,
are bad times. There aren't many jobs out there. My mom and her friends were
recently laid off from their mill jobs."
"I've been clean for forty days, but now I'm doing meth again. If you drink vinegar before the piss test, probation won't find out."
Springfield has a
great number of second hand stores. A fair number has opened in the recent
past. Some residents felt that this is linked to lower income people who sell
basic necessities to get by, increased drug activity, or movement of stolen
can't get jobs, and if you do, they don't pay anything."
all the layoffs and the mill shutting down, there has been a constant supply of
good hard workers showing up at 5:00 a.m., looking for work." [Temporary labor
is stealing stuff because the police don't do anything. I'll smash the guy who
stole my gun."
A few business
people and city officials pointed to the emerging importance of people making a
living on the Internet, what the literature calls "modem cowboys."
"Thanks to the Internet, people can move anywhere and work from home."
A number of
Hispanic businesses are seen scattered throughout the community, primarily
eateries and markets. Many of these are new - city officials and residents said
the emergence of Hispanic businesses is recent and welcome. Springfield also
has a great many Hispanics operating businesses ad hoc, out of their
car, home, or backpack. The extent of these operations is not known.
Willamalane Park and Recreation District, begun in 1944, is one of the oldest
park and recreation districts in the state. It manages 680 acres of land in 31
park sites and has a wide range of open spaces. It has 5 recreation activity
centers located throughout the City. It is also involved in outdoor education
(see below).
The Springfield
Utility Board provides water and electricity to city residents and reports that
existing and planned facilities are adequate to meet future needs. (Southern
Willamette Valley, A Profile of the Southern Willamette Valley Region, Region
2050 and Lane Council of Governments, April, 2001).
The Emerald Empire
Art Association has been around since 1974. They bought an office space
downtown as a step toward reviving downtown, and in April they moved into a
huge three story historic building (the Gerlach building of 1909, at 5th
and Main). Members have been renovating the building for some time and more
work is needed. All members of the board are artists. The group received
$300,000 in revitalization money, a good part of it from Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). The Art Association
is also involved in collaboration projects with the Springfield Museum.
The Springfield
Museum is beginning to take a more active role in the community, networking
with groups that they have not dealt with in the past. For example, they are
considering hosting an art display in the museum and, in return, the art group
will host a museum exhibit in its own building.
revitalization effort has been the purchase of the McKenzie Theater by a
Springfield development group. It met every week for three years to plan for
the restoration of the theatre. Contracts for the redevelopment have been let.
The goal is to make it a community theatre.
The Lane Transit
District is planning a new downtown transit station. In lieu of light rail,
Eugene and Springfield have begun a Rapid Transit System, with support of
federal dollars, the first leg of which will connect downtown Springfield with
the Gateway area.
The City of
Springfield has high-speed broadband Internet access, which officials believe
has stimulate economic activity for residents.
The Cities of
Eugene and Springfield, in conjunction with Lane County, developed a five-year
strategic plan in 2000 for dealing with housing, homeless and community
development. The plan permits both cities to receive HUD CDBG (Community
Development Block Grants) monies to implement the plan. The plan revealed
significant community needs in these areas, despite a fairly robust economy. In
particular, the "cost burden" for renters is a major housing problem created by
rising costs and low wage jobs.
Team Springfield
is a city initiative comprised of local public service agencies, whose purpose
is to share resources and develop joint community goals.
Springfield has
been enterprising in using historic buildings. The Springfield Chamber of
Commerce is located in the Springfield Railroad Depot, built in 1891. The City
went through a massive community involvement effort to move the building and renovate
it by 1990. The Springfield Museum and Main Street Gallery is located in the
1911 Oregon Power Company substation in downtown.
The McKenzie
Sports Complex is planned for the Springfield Sports Center, a planned
multi-use athletic facility.
City programs have
been established to assist Hispanic families in integrating into the community.
Business support, home buying, and cultural competency training on the part of
the police, have all been undertaken.
With Springfield's
depressed labor market, social service agencies reported increased demand for
their services. Adult and Family Services stated, for example, that they have
recently seen people who have never used their services coming into the office.
Many people were established in the community with homes and had been working
living wage jobs. They were used to a certain lifestyle. The benefits they
receive from AFS are far below what they need to keep their level of living.
Filbert Festival occurs in August in Island Park, with entertainment, boating
and Native American dancing. The festival builds off the historic growing of
filberts in the area and includes the Dorris Ranch Living History Farm, begun
in 1892 by the Dorris family along the Willamette River and now run as a
Willamalane Park and Recreation facility with camps and other events. Other
festivals include the Ukrainian Day Festival and Springfield Holly Days.
See Section Three.
revitalization has been occurring steadily for the last five years. Residents
hope that existing efforts will be sufficient to make downtown viable again.
Many Hispanics are
moving into Springfield from Eugene, progressing from the very poorest of
Eugene areas into the modest housing areas of Springfield. Hispanics are
starting many small businesses in the community.
Newcomers are
attracted by a lower cost-of living, especially housing.
"It used to be a
logging town but now everybody's either retrained or gone."
"People don't want
to leave the area."
"There's a strong
work ethic in this community."
"People take care
of each other around here."
"Springfield loves
to congregate, to meet together."
Springfield people say they're from Eugene, but you'd never catch a Eugene
person saying they're from Springfield."
of a job market is the biggest challenge for Springfield."
can't keep business here."
downtown revitalization project needs support. The City has done well
diversifying the economy but revitalization efforts need new energy to keep the
momentum going."
Crime and Safety
"I got a job at Taco Bell and had to take a drug test. I was clean for 60 days, so nothing showed up."
"It's not safe here. There aren't enough cops and they suck." [Two young women]
"Target catches at least two shoplifters a day. Everybody knows not to park on that side of the mall."
"I had to leave Springfield when I was in high school to get away from the bad influences. All of my friends have been to jail or are in jail now."
Rose's Diner on A
Street. Like many restaurants in Springfield, it is decked out in 1950s décor.
Professional and retired people gather there.
The Pump Café, 7th
and Main, locals of all ages, many personal connections between patrons.
Fins Drive In, 41st
and Main, an older establishment; elderly long-timers;
McKenzie Café,
east Springfield, local regulars, especially on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Organization |
Address, Contact & Phone Number |
Mission |
Teen Center Willamalane Parks and
Recreation District |
Geoff Norman (541) 736-4540 |
Promotes an active
population, especially with children and youth |
Springfield Chamber of
Commerce |
Dan Egan 101 S. A St. Springfield, OR 97477 (746-1651) |
Jobs and business
development |
Springfield Museum and
Interpretive Center |
Kathy Johnson (386) 590 Main 726-2300 |
Metropolitan Partnership |
P.O. Box 10398 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-2325 |
Leads and coordinates
economic development in the metro area |
McKenzie Watershed
Council |
Jim Thrailkill P.O. Box 53 Springfield, OR 97339 (541) 687-9076 |
Watershed restoration |
Mohawk Watershed Council |
Pally Kohl 91217 Donna Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 (541) 744-9614 |
Watershed restoration |
Lane Council of
Governments |
Steve Gordon Natural Resource
Specialist 99 E. Broadway, Suite
400 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 682-4283 |
Regional planning and
coordination; water quality and quantity; air quality |
residents generally are more oriented to the mountains than the ocean. Their
history was born of working in the woods and through ties to the McKenzie and
Middle Fork watersheds.
The rivers become
fishable when they become lower and clearer. That's when local supply stores
get business when there is not a recession.
"The economy is sour and no one has jobs, so how are they going to buy fishing and hunting gear?"
Mountain biking is
mainly a summer activity. People ride on the McKenzie trail and all along
Highway 58 to Oakridge. The Flat Tire Festival outside of Oakridge is a popular
An assisted living
facility, attracting residents mainly from Eugene and Springfield, reported
that they take residents in a sixty-mile radius from Springfield. McKenzie is a
favored location, and generally uncrowded places are preferred. The activities
director makes reservations ahead of time with the Forest Service.
In the summer,
Springfield's Parks and Recreation Department offers a teen challenge camp. It
is outdoor-oriented and one day of the week is a field trip to the mountains or
the coast, and one day is a volunteer/community service day. In the past, they
have mended fences for a horse ranch and done riparian work on the McKenzie
River. It is a ten week long program for 28 underprivileged kids. It is quite
Planning for
metropolitan regional parks and open space (Eugene and Springfield) is
coordinated through the Lane Council of Governments, which is fostering
development of a vision and acquisition strategies for identified areas.
Springfield has
received several Forest Service grants. The most prominent one was a $2 million
grant for the Booth Kelly building. Springfield has also received Forest
Service monies to purchase land as part of the Forest Legacy program, which
fits into the Open Space Initiative. The initiative is a new project to protect
rivers, ridges, and other natural assets between Springfield and Eugene. The
large parcel of land dedicated to this project lies between the two
In 2001, the City
of Springfield applied for a $600,000 grant through the USDA State and Private
Forestry Economic Action Program to explore the possibility of creating a
"Natural Resources Campus" of federal, state, and local offices engaged in
natural resource management. The idea is to create a "one-stop
citizen-centered" facility to improve citizen access, interagency coordination,
and agency objectives (Natural Resources Campus Technical Study [NRCTS] for
Springfield, Oregon, City of Springfield, February, 2001).
have not seen any real commitment by the Forest Service. Right now it's just
Outdoor Education
"It would be nice to see the Forest Service work with the kids on a two or three week project so they could see a beginning and ending." [Springfield Parks and Recreation Department staff]
"In the winter, there are too many fallen trees on the trails. Not too many people mountain bike in the winter, though!"
"It's awful that you have to pay to basically play in your backyard now." [Referring to the Northwest trail pass]
"The lower McKenzie is used less by fishermen than the upper. People might enjoy the experience more if they weren't so bunched up."
"There are plans to add a high speed chair lift and to develop the mountain for mountain biking in the summer up at Willamette Pass. They'll have to cut some trees to do it, so it likely to take a lot of years to get approval. If the Forest Service could speed up its decision making process, it would sure help some of these communities." [City official]
Forest Management
"I don't like to see clearcuts along the road. I never saw that as a kid."
trees are disappearing from areas that the public can easily see. When we
logged, it was in remote areas." [A group of retired people]
should not be stopped completely, especially the brown and down trees. Blown
trees are a waste of natural resource if they are left on the ground."
is the Forest Service doing if even the downed trees are not being cut?"
Forest Service
The mayor of Springfield reported positive feedback from the public during open events in which the concept of the Natural Resources Campus was described. "I'm glad you're here and looking for ways for the Forest Service to partner with the City," he said. He described the City as waiting for the "dust to settle" on the move of the federal courthouse to Springfield, which is now apparently underway.
Forest Service presence in Springfield would help facilitate the City's
redevelopment and its renewed focus toward the river. Although the Forest
Service has expressed little interest in education, we hope an interpretive
center of some kind would be provided for visitors." [Springfield mayor]
The Forest Service
could respond to urban interests in outdoor education. Springfield has existing
programs with which coordination could occur.
City officials
indirectly suggested that Forest Service personnel involve themselves more in
civic organizations in the community. Such involvement would be a great way to
understand community interests independent of more formal settings. If the
Natural Resource Campus idea develops, this kind of engagement is essential.
The Willamette
Forest Discovery Team should investigate any potential sites for a Natural
Resource Campus. Local stories about the parcels, prior uses, and ideas from
citizens about the structuring of the facility should be identified prior to
any public hearings. Moreover, key networks and caretakers should be identified
early. Public statements about the facility should reflect the cultural
language picked up in discovery and should include responses to any citizen
issues. The goal should be to integrate the facility with its surroundings and
with current City direction, so that it is seen as a contribution and not as an
The final chapter
of this report contains recommendations for the Willamette Forest to consider
in creating better and wider ties with its urban areas.
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